Lorena Yansenson

Lorena Claudia Yansenson is a certified lawyer who graduated from the School of Law of the University of Buenos Aires in 2003.

She is in charge of the Labor Law Department in Biscardi & Asociados, and her main objective is to counsel Clients on the compliance with the labor rules and regulations throughout the development of its business activities.

Also, she provides answers to all issues related to the individual labor law –from the recruitment to the termination stage and during the effectiveness of the labor contract-, as well as the collective labor law –including the intervention and assistance to Clients in matters of labor union issues which are characteristic of the activity concerned.

Focused on the prevention of conflicts, she prepares legal opinions analyzing and identifying potential contingencies in order to diminish them, and further examining and comparing the consequences of the different scenarios, helping define the best approach depending on the case and the company’s needs.

As part of her academic update, it is worth highlighting that she had attended various training courses on labor law under the postgraduate program of the School of Law of the University of Buenos Aires.

(54 11) 4390-9012